I was lucky to discover Wen Wu School in the early 1990's on the recommendation of a friend. From my first class I was hooked. I loved the form and how it made me feel. In my job as an Adapted Physical Education Teacher I would often come home from work thinking l was too tired to go to class. My next thought was "Maybe I will miss something," so I would go the short distance from my home to the school. I always felt more connected to my real self and had a sense of being "Strong but Soft" at the same time. I continue to have many benefits both physical, mental and emotional. I was lucky to go with the school on many re-treats. The first was near Guerneville. Others followed to the City of 1,000 Buddhas, Ben Lomand, Still Heart, Kwai in Hawaii, two trips to China and the latest to Commonweal. What blessed times to share with our Master Hui Liu and her family. I had a chance to study first and second set, Pai Da Gong and Chinese painting under the guidance of Master Hui Liu. My life is better because of it. I recommend a continual practice of Dayan Qigong.
See what changes it can make in your life! Jerri teaches Qigong on Monday at 5 pm, workshops on Meridians and lead the Morning Qigong practices.